Our Work With Organizations

Trauma Informed & Healing Centered Paradigm Shift

We provide training, coaching and facilitation through a trauma informed and healing centered lens to illuminate the historical, social, interpersonal, and individual layers of power, harm, and healing, to support organizations and individuals in cultivating work environments, policies, and practices that center equity and collective care. 

Lived Experience Integration

We offer guidance, training, and facilitation to support the meaningful and substantive integration of people with lived experience into the decision-making structures of organizations and agencies, in alignment with trauma informed and healing centered principles and practices.

Healing Leadership Coaching

We provide coaching for leaders to better understand their role in cultivating healing work environments that center the holistic needs of human beings by focusing on unraveling harmful power dynamics that block access to creativity and collaboration.

Meaningful Gatherings

We facilitate staff retreats and special events that honor important milestones in the life of an organization. We craft rituals as powerful containers for collective meaning making to help navigate challenges, strengthen relationships, and cultivate a shared sense of purpose.